Monday, May 29, 2006

Je comprends!!

Listen, learn, laugh (and read)

Ouh là! The vocabulary I've been learning lately IS coming in handy.

Not exactly talking about working the words in a French conversation but understanding them and the words that surround them. I'm grasping sentences! I know Eddie isn't talking about a "smile" under the table. I can laugh when the French laugh. Bien sûr, it helps that half the stand-up is in English.

Je comprends I understand
Ouh là wow

la vidéo: Eddie Izzard, "Dressed to Kill"
Found on the internet (You tube) today


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha bonne trouvaille! (good finding in english I suppose)! Merci pour les rires!

le petit foufou said...

je t'en prie. Perhaps one day I'll be able to recommend a good film that I've seen in French, sans sous titres.

Anonymous said...

Ca va arriver j'en suis sûre, tu apprends vite!

Anonymous said...

le chat, la souris ... mais ou est le chien ?