Friday, August 25, 2006

du jour

What does it take to make your day... Français?

I'm not in France or a French-speaking country so I cannot easily absorb French through ma vie au quotidien. The French that's available to me is limited. There's one channel on la télé that leaves me saying "huh?" after the first five minutes. Weekly rentals at my local library of les disques vidéos has me currently at letter "F". That translates to 4 movies.

And les livres? Well
I'm on page three of understanding Coke en Stock. I actually don't know what the title means. Looking it up online at WordRef and piecing it together gets me "cocaine in stock". I am definitely misunderstanding this aventure de Tintin.

Clearly, I have to make a quotidian if not herculean effort in addition to my homework to make the quantum leap in French.
The following sites help - of course the trick is to visit them tous les jours!

Mot du jour Word of the Day

or if you prefer: un mot par jour A Word per Day

La Leçon du jour Today's Lesson

La Citation du jour Daily Quote

Une lettre d'information journalière française Daily French Newsletter

Un blog par jour A Blog per Day

Photographies quotidiennes Daily photos of places in France for la inspiration
Arradon, Bastia, Cherbourg-Octeville, Paris, Rouen

du jour (actuel) current; aliment (fresh)
ma vie au quotidien my daily life

la télé television

le disque vidéo digital video disk (dvd)

le livre book

aventure de Tintin adventure of Tintin (comics)

tous les jours every day, daily; everyday, each day

La photo: Warehouse à Chicago en 1990

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